European Day of Languages

​On Monday 26th September we joined schools across Europe to celebrate the European Day of Languages. All departments tried to include elements of European languages into their lessons, we had ‘Kinball’ in PE, problem solving in maths using numbers from different languages, a flags of Europe and capital cities quiz in geography, just to mention a few.

Students and staff enjoyed a European themed menu in the canteen which included delicious dishes like Lasagne, Spanish Empenada, Vegetable Paella, Croissant, Pain au Chocolat, Pizza slices, Croissant with ham and cheese, Baguettes with Various fillings and Gelato.

There was also a fact-finding treasure hunt at break and lunch times, a Bake off competition and the chance to do some pebble painting with a European theme for students after school.

Mrs Sewell kindly offered her judging services in the Bake Off competition, and although the competition was tough, managed to narrow it down. Congratulations to Aleena in year 9 who took first place, Pryce in year 11 who came second and to Amy and Alyssia in year 7 who shared third place.

Any cakes that weren’t collected were donated to the MacMillan coffee stall to help raise funds for Macmillan during our Open Evening.

Jamie McAllister, head of International Languages said, “It was so nice to be one of hundreds of schools across the continent celebrating languages diversity today. The staff and students did the school proud with their efforts!”