Year 10 and 11 students, studying GCSE Health and Social Care, and Childcare recently visited the library at the Conwy Culture Centre to take out books as part of their research for their non-exam assessment (NEA) coursework. The girls located books specifically related to their own research topics to borrow. This was a new experience for some students and several had not visited a public library since primary school.
Leonie, a student in Year 11, also carried out some of her coursework activity at the centre. She taught an Information Technology (IT) class, run by Coleg Llandrillo, some computer skills including how to create a wordsearch online, an activity that she designed to encourage the maintenance of cognitive skills in older adults.
Teacher, Myfanwy Wilson said, “We are delighted to be making great links with the Culture Centre, who have been extremely accommodating and welcoming to us, enabling our students to benefit from the use of their fabulous facilities. I hope to be able to take more students there soon”