Tegfan – Autism and Associated Neurodevelopmental Provision

At Aberconwy we are at the start of developing additional learning provision for secondary age students with autism and associated neurodevelopmental difficulties. We opened two resourced classes of 8 students in September 2020, with the potential for further development and extension in the future. This specialist provision is for learners with autism who do not have a learning disability, but who are experiencing significant difficulty accessing the mainstream curriculum in its entirety.

Conwy Local Authority hopes that this will be the first step in developing high quality, specialist provision across all key stages of education, with a clear remit for inclusion into mainstream education wherever possible and enabling students to have access to a full and varied curriculum. The provision will help support learners to develop the skills and confidence for transition out of school and on to further education opportunities in line with their aspirations and interests.

Tegfan students are allocated a place in the resource through a decision made by the Local Authority at a Moderation meeting.