Each student is placed in a mixed-ability tutor group of boys and girls. It is the role of the tutor to get to know the children in his or her care and to be responsible for day to day administration such as marking the register, checking uniform and reading daily notices.
The Head of Year monitors the progress of students in the tutor group and writes the summary comment on reports.
A full, written report will be sent to parents each year. The report will include comments from each subject teacher, the form tutor and the Head of Year.
Students’ progress is regularly assessed in a variety of ways, against targets set for their achievement in all curriculum areas. At the end of Key Stage 3 and 4 the performance of each student, in relation to the attainment levels of the National Curriculum in each core, foundation and compulsory subject, is reported to parents.
Students receive regular interim reports, which give an indication of the progress a learner is making in each subject area using phrases: Less than expected progress – Working towards target – Expected progress – Exceptional progress. Students are expected to take home all interim and full reports. Heads of Year and Year Mentors arrange for students to discuss any matters arising and develop action plans to address areas of underachievement.
Parents’ Evenings are held once each year. These are important opportunities for parents to discuss their child’s progress with teachers, and we urge you to attend.
All students in Years 7-11 sit examinations as appropriate. In Year 11 all students sit mock examinations during the Autumn Term. The school prepares all students to enter for public examinations. To find out more about examinations and testing please visit this page: Examinations and Testing
Last year’s results are distributed when the Government Tables of Examinations results are published. Each year the majority of our Year 13 students continue their studies at Universities and Colleges of Further Education.