Diversity and Refugee Week

We recently celebrated diversity and raised awareness for the LGBT+ Community and refugees.

Staff and students from the school’s LGBT+ community planned a number of events that everyone was invited to participate in, these included cake sales, non-uniform day and an art competition.

To highlight the plight of refugees we read Tom Palmer’s ‘The Girl in the Lewandowski Top’, a new five-part story about a Ukrainian family as they arrive in the UK, to our year 7 and 8 students during their daily 20-minute reading slots.

Students and staff came together to show their support and to spread the message that everybody deserves to be treated equally. Congratulations to the Art competition winners, Mia and Ian in year 7; and also to the runners up, Angharad in year 10 and Aleena and Phoebe in year 7, for their joint entry.

All the money raised will be split equally between the Red Cross and LGBT+ Cymru charity.